Unique Art Work,
technically challenging
Mostly Glass Gallery Multimedia,
beyond Glass Art
Artists List
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Exhibits scroll down for a list of upcoming and previous exhibits
Quick jump to earlier exhibits -
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | Previous Exhibits
The ABC of Glass Art  2005
The ABC of American Glass 1998
Ongoing Exhibits
Unique Jewelry

Gifts & Small Collectibles Winter 2013
May 2016
Jancek  & Barney

Pure Gold & Colors
February 2016 Madelyn Ricks
Her Jewel Work

and Jewelry
June 12 - 14
GLASS Week End  
  GLASS Artists
Bonaventura, Mauro
Barney, Christine
   Her Manhattan is to the right
Costantini, Vittorio
Janacek, Vlastislav
Gundi Viviani Finch
Negri, Martie 
Toffolo, Emanuel
Jorg Zimmermann

  Jewelry Artists
Mary Darwall

Hildegund Ilkerl
Elizabeth Hopkins

    Her Snake Skin Neckpiece
                        is to the right

Gabrile Malik
Martie Negri
Madelyn Ricks
May 2015 Six Lebanese Artists

Anid, Audree
El Khoury, Jad
Hadati, Fadia
Hraoui, Martha
Nouhra, Cynthia
(paiting to the right)
Rafei & El Khoury
April 2015 Vlastislav & Christine The Quest for Purity in Glass
  Vlastislav Janacek
  Christine Barney
March 2015 Figures
Lampworked Glass


February 2015 Alex Zonis

Realism in Oil Painting
January 23
February 22
Wendy Ellsworth

Glass Beaded Art Work
Objects & Jewelry
February Beetles Preview

V Costantini

E Toffolo
Vittorio Costantini

Lampworked Glass

Immortalizing Nature
November Emanuel  Toffolo

Lampworked Glass

Insects as Objects to desire
November - December Eric McLendon

Vessel Forms
His Vessels become Sculptures

De Biasi
Murano Jewelry
December 1 Art Jewelry and Small Art Jewels

Jewelry Artists

Barbara Becker Simon
Elizabeth Hopkins
  Elizabeth's Zebra Neckpiece,
  photo, right

Madelyn Ricks

Sharmini Wirasekara
December 1 Artists of Small Art Jewels

Vittorio Costantini
Vlastislav Janacek
Michael O'Keefe
   to the right is a Duo in Blue

Emanuel Toffolo
Vittorio Costantini
September -
Viviani - Finch
June 7-9
Glass Week End
at Creative Glass Center of America, Millville, NJ
Glass Weekend, 2013
Barney, Christine
Bartky, Elisabeth
Janacek, Vlastislav

King, Gerry
Negri, Martie 
O'Keefe, Michael
Toffolo, Emanuel

Jorg Zimmermann
June 7-9
Glass Week End
Jewelry Artists
Barbara Becker Simon
lkerl, Hildegund
Elizabeth Hopkins
Marcia Lepore

Sharmini Wirasekara
June 7-9
Glass Week End
Madelyn Ricks
Retrospective and Prospective

From Ceramic Art to
Beading Glass Art

..and the signature Jewelry in between
Emanuel Toffolo

Emanuel adds significantly to the great tradition of his Family. His own lampworked Glass Art is distinctive. His masterpieces are the intricately detailed Beetles that come protected in a frame for wall mounting
2012   Mostly Glass exhibit space
November  2012 Fabienne & Christine, Creativity & Elegance in Glass Art
Their Novel and
their Vintage Work

Fabienne Picaud

Christine Barney
October 20 2012 A Bouquet of
Glass Artists

Janacek, Vlastislav
O'Keefe, Michael          

Rinaldo, Michele
Ricks, Madelyn
Neher, Margaret
Jorg Zimmermann
September 15,
October 19, 2012
Sculpted Figures

Participating Artists

Robert Clyatt

Douglas Holtquist

Hermann Mejer

Susan Saladino
 Last Bird sculpture  to the right

Helaine Schneider
July - August,
Martie Negri
The Bloomsbury Series
March, 2012 Vlatislav Janacek
Mini Sculptures:

Jewels of Optic Glass
Summer, 2012 Glass Jewelry,
The Summer 2012 Collection

The Work of 6 Artists:

Barbara Becker Simon

Mary Darwal
Elizabeth Hopkins
Marcia Lepore
Madelyn Ricks
Sharmini Wrasekara
October, 2011 Chinese Art Work

a preview

Wenya Li
Inside Paiting in glass snuff bottles  

MU Silk Embroidery

wall hanging piece
to the right  

Mu Xi Mei
Silk Embroidery
Novemer, 2011 Jewelry for
the Fall

Bartky, Elisabeth
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund

Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele 
Miller, Sandra
Neeckpiece to the right  

Ricks, Madelyn
3 - 6
2011 Chicago,
Navy Pier

Opening Night,
the 3rd,  5-9 pm

Friday and Saturday
10am - 8pm
10 - 11 am,  VIP hr
Sunday 12 - 6pm
SOFA Chicago

Mostly Glass will not be participating in SOFA Chicago in 2011.
We will be back starting 2012


SOFA Chicago 2012, November, 1-4

SOFA Chicago 2013, Oct 31 - Nov 3rd

10 - 12

Creative Glass Center of America, Millville, NJ
Glass Weekend 2011
Barney, Christine
  Flutter to the right  
Borrett, Rochelle
Di Fiore, Miriam            
Janacek, Vlastislav  
Luna, Emma
Melcher, Mihaly
Negri, Martie 
Neher, Margaret
O'Dorisio, Joel
Picaud, Fabienne            
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Jorg Zimmermann
June 10 - 12
Creative Glass Center of America, Millville, NJ
Glass Weekend 2011
A Special Exhibit
Intimacy, Glass - Ceramic

&  Serritella
Photo to the right
Luna, Emma
June, 2011 Jewelry for
Glass Week End

Bartky, Elisabeth
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund

Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele 
Miller, Sandra
Neeckpiece to the right  

Ricks, Madelyn
May -
New Artists
New Art Work

Bartky, Elisabeth
Borrett, Rochelle
Mosaic Glass Art, photo to the right

De Marchi, Livio
Holtquist, Doug
Melcher, Mihaly
McLendon, Eric
Miller, Sandra
Negri, Martie 
Neher and Serritella
Picaud, Fabienne    

Art Jewelry  
Small Art Objects

Janacek, Vlastislav  
Luna, Emma     
Neher, Margaret
Picaud, Fabienne,
Ruzsa, Alison         
Recko, Gateson
4 - 7
2010 Chicago,
Navy Pier

Opening Night,
Thursday, the 4th
5-9 pm

Friday and Saturday
10am - 8pm
10 - 11 am
   VIP hour

Noon - 6pm


SOFA Chicago 2011
November, 3-6


SOFA Chicago

Participating Artists:

Barney, Christine
Fabio D'Aroma
Di Fiore, Miriam            
Janacek, Vlastislav  
Luna, Emma   
Negri, Martie
Neher, Margaret
O'Dorisio, Joel
Picaud, Fabienne            
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Rosenfeld, Erica
Ruzsa, Alison
Jorg Zimmermann
 Paint Splash to the right  

Glass Art Jewelry

Darwall, Mary
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund

Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele 
Mous, Jet

Negri, Martie

O'Grady, Kevin
Ricks, Madelyn

Rosenfeld, Erica
van den Brink, Merky
April 15 - 19

SOFA takes place at the Armory, Park Ave and
67th Street

April 16 - 19
Thursday &
Friday, 11 - 7
Saturday, 11-7
Sunday, 12 - 6
Monday, 11 - 5

Opening Night Gala
April 15
5:30 - 9:00


SOFA NY 2011
April 14 - 17

SOFA New York 

Participating Artists:

Barney, Christine
Buxton - Kutch  
Di Fiore, Miriam            
Janacek, Vlastislav
Kuestner, Gabriele         
Matsushima, Chisa
Negri, Martie
Neher, Margaret
Picaud, Fabienne            
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Kimono to the right  
Rosenfeld, Erica
Ruzsa, Alison
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Jorg Zimmermann

Glass Art Jewelry

Darwall, Mary
Flowers, Karen

Hopkins, Elizabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund
Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele 
Negri, Martie

O'Grady, Kevin
Ricks, Madelyn

Rosenfeld, Erica
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Front Pages
  Rosenfeld February 2010
Jewelry for the Holidays

Darwall, Mary
Flowers, Karen

Hopkins, Elisabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund 
Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele  
Negri, Martie
Ordorica, Elise

Ricks, Madelyn

Rosenfeld, Erica
        Neckpiece to the right
Paperweights & Marbles

Recko, Gateson
Ruzsa, Alison
Molettieri, Jillian 
November 5 - 8
2009 SOFA Chicago
Navy Pier
November 5 -9

Opening Night,
Thursday, the 5th
5-9 pm

Friday and Saturday
10am - 8pm
10 - 11 am VIP hour

Noon - 6pm











2010 SOFA Chicago
November 4 -7

SOFA Chicago 2009

Negri, Martie  
Silver Gardens photos to the right

Miriam Di Fiore

Artists from Europe

Other participating Artists:
Barney, Christine
Barthel, Jamie
Buxton - Kutch            
Janacek, Vlastislav
Kuestner, Gabriele             
Matsushima, Chisa
Molettieri, Jillian 
Picaud, Fabienne            
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Rosenfeld, Erica
Ruzsa, Alison
Tiffen Ira 
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Glass Art Jewelry
Crosman-Moore, Gail
Darwall, Mary
Flowers, Karen

Hopkins, Elisabeth
Ilkerl, Hildegund
Lepore, Marcia
Malek, Gabriele
Negri, Martie
Ordorica, Elise

Ricks, Madelyn

Rosenfeld, Erica
Wirasekara, Sharmini

July 17 - 19

Creative Glass Center of America, Millville, NJ











Glass Weekend 

Special Exhibit:
Molettieri, Jillian
Recko, Gateson

Gateson & Jillian
Art Duette, Terrestrials and
extra Terrestrials

Other participating Artists:
Barney, Christine
Buxton - Kutch
Di Fiore, Miriam  
to the right is Spring 08 Di Fiore           
Janacek, Vlastislav
Morrell, Laurence
Negri, Martie
Picaud, Fabienne

Ricks, Madelyn
Tiffen Ira 
Wirasekara, Sharmini

Jewelry Artists:
Gail Crosman-Moore
Karen Flowers

Hopkins, Elisabeth
Ilkerl & Malek

Negri, Martie
Lepore, Marcia

Ricks, Madelyn

April 15 - 19

SOFA takes place at the Armory, Park Ave and
67th Street

April 16 - 19
Thursday &
Friday, 11 - 8
Saturday,  11 - 7

Noon - 6

Opening Night Gala
April 15
5:30 - 9:00

Designer Breakfast & Preview
Thursday April 16
9:30 - 11am


SOFA NY 2010
April 15 - 19
Thursday April 15 is Opening Night
Closes Monday the 19th

SOFA Santa Fe 2010
July 7 - 11
Wed July 7, is
Opening Night

SOFA New York  

Glass Art Work in the
Computer Age

Molettieri, Jillian
Morrell, Laurence
Recko, Gateson
Tiffen Ira 

Other participating Artists:
Barney, Christine
Di Fiore, Miriam  (Mrs. Pavesi, right)
Ethier, Linda               

Janacek, Vlastislav
Matsushima, Chisa
Picaud, Fabienne

Ricks, Madelyn
Wirasekara, Sharmini

Jewelry Artists:
Hopkins, Elisabeth 
Lepore, Marcia

Ilkerl & Malek

Ricks, Madelyn


New artists / New Art Work planed features in our 2009 Exhibits

Gateson Recko To the limits to the Universe (marbles)  
Ira Tiffen
Art Work in the Computer Age
Chisa Matsushima Her Colorful World of Fiber Art 
Lawrence Morrell Bio Engineering Glass
Madelyn Ricks
Novel woven beads sculpters Flower Vessels & Parakeets
Mary Darwall Beaded Jewelry, superb color palettes

January 25,  Special Gifts for Valentine


December 08 Exhibit, Unique Small Art

Jewelry Artists:
Darwall, Mary  
Ellsworth, Wendy
Hopkins, Elisabeth
Ilkerl & Malek

Ricks, Madelyn
Zonis, Alexandra

Other Artists participating Artists:
Buxton - Kutch small Vessels and Scent Bottles
Neher, Margaret
Recko, Gateson
photo, right
Ruzsa, Alison, paperweights
van Vlijmen, Hearts


6 - 9

Booth # 128

SOFA Chicago 2008

Special Exhibits
: Iwao Matsushima,  Miriam Di Fiore
Janacek, Vlastislav

A lecture by Dr. Christopher Lightfoot,
Associate Curator of Greek and Roman Art,
Metropolitan Museum, NY
Early Glass-making Techniques and their
Influence on Contemporary Glass Art
Illustrated by the Work of Matsushima and Di Fiore



Other Artists participating in SOFA Chicago:

Barney, Christine
Buxton - Kutch
Negri, Matie
Picaud, Fabienne
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Tiffen Ira  photo, right upper
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Zonis, Alexandra

Jewelry Gallery and Artists:

Darwall, Mary  photo, right lower
Ellsworth, Wendy
Hopkins, Elisabeth 
Ilkerl & Malek

Ricks, Madelyn



Future SOFA in Chicago,   2009  Nov 5-8  2010, Nov. 4-7            


2008 Exhibit Schedule 

Jewelry and Goblets
Whimsical Art Gifts

March - April, Fabienne Picaud, Contemporary Glass from Paris, web based, then at SOFA Chicago

May - June,
The Art of Weaving Glass Beads Three Artists currently with Mostly Glass and four new Artists 
                   The Exhibit will open on the web. Selected Work shown at SOFA NY

May 28 - June 1,
SOFA New York                                  Catalogue, Spring 08

 September: New Artists, New Art Work  and Art Jewelry, Fall 2008
Sunday September 21, 10 am, visit to Mostly Glass by 50 members of the Chicago Glass Art Collectors

November 6 - 9,
SOFA Chicago        Catalogue, Fall 08
Special Exhibit and Lecture at SOFA Chicago (time of the lecture, Friday Nov 7 at 11 am):
Lecture by Dr. Christopher Lightfoot, Associate Curator of Greek and Roman Art, Metropolitan Museum, NY
Early Glass-making Techniques and their influence on Contemporary Glass Art
The lecture will be illustrated by the Work of Iwao Matsushima and Miriam Di Fiore

October: Vlastislav Janacek, Optic Glass Shapes
web based, then at SOFA Chicago

Miriam Di Fiore, New Work, New Direction
at SOFA Chicago

SOFA takes place at the Armory
Park Ave and
67th Street

Opening Night Gala
May 28
5:30 - 9:30

May 29 - June 1
Thursday - Saturday,  11 - 8

Noon - 6

SOFA NY 2008

Participating Artists:
Assakr, Khalid 
New Work in our Spring 08 Catalogue
Andrew Brown, Geodes

Dei Rossi, Antonio New Work in our S 08 Catalogue
Di Fiore, Miriam 
Houserova, Ivana
Janacek, Vlastislav
Recko, Gateson

Cesare Toffolo, Goblets

Special Exhibits:

Fabienne Picaud, Arbres Timides

The Art of Weaving Glass Beads
Participating Artists:
Darwall, Mary  
Ellsworth, Wendy 
Ilkerl & Malek
Ricks, Madelyn
(to the right)
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Zonis, Alexandra

2007 Exhibits



Art Gifts, small & large

Goblets, Hearts, Paperweights, Scent Bottles, Vessels, Marbles, Geodes...Miscellaneous Gifts

Buxton - Kutch, Scent Bottles & Vessels
Brown, Andrew Geodes
Costantini, Vittorio,      Fish       Birds
De Marchi, Livio,
  Eternal Balloons     Ebony Wallets 
Neher, Margaret, Scent Bottles,
         Fruits as Salt & Pepper shakers
         Small sculptures, image to the right
Picaud, Fabienne Empreintes, small sculptures
Recko, Gateson  Universe Marbles
Ricks, Madelyn  Glass Beaded Jewelry & Sculptures
Ruzsa, Alison Seasons Paperweights 
  Other Paperweights
Salvadore, Davide  Meteors
van Vlijmen, Victor, Hearts, Glass & Gold
Wirasekara, Sharmini  Glass Beaded wall pieces

1 - 4



SOFA Chicago 2007

Special Exhibit 

Iwao Matsushima and the
The Birth of Glass Art

Iwao is preparing a special body of core formed glass
for Chicago
(images of his signature Cones to the right)

Artists represented by Mostly Glass

Jonathan Anderson
Assakr, Khalid 
Brown, Andrew
Buxton, Mary Ellen
D'Aroma, Fabio
Di Fiore, Miriam 
Houserova, Ivana
Janacek, Vlastislav
Kutch, Kevin
Neher, Margaret
O'Dorisio, Joel
Picaud, Fabienne
Recko, Gateson
Ricks, Madelyn
Ruzsa, Alison 
Slack, Sherburne
Toffolo, Cesare 
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Jorg Zimmermann

October Fall 2007 Mostly Glass Catalogue mailed October 20th
Vintage Glass Art from Europe   

Anderson (Britain)

Benzoni , Bonaventura & Salvadore (Italy) 
CenedeseDona & Moretti (Italy) 

Frydrych & Mares (Czech Republic)

Lezama & Picaud (France) 
& Zimmermann (Germany)

The image to the right is an Installation by Zimmermann


July 13 - 15
Friday - Sunday

5:30 - 8:30

10 - 6

11 - 4
GlassWeekend '07
The Creative Glass Center of America
Wheaton Village, Millville, NJ

Assakr, Khalid
Bonaventura, Mauro
Buxton - Kutch
Di Fiore, Miriam 
Janacek, Vlastislav 
Human (Optic Glass, to the right)
Houserova, Ivana
Picaud, Fabienne 
Recko, Gateson 
Ruzsa, Alison  Featured Artist
with her Season series       
Salvadore, David, Vessels
O'Dorisio, Joel
Wirasekara, Sharmini
Zimmermann, Jorg
SOFA takes place at the Armory
Park Ave and
67th Street

Opening Night Gala
Thursday May 31
5:30 - 9:30

June 1 - June 3
Friday & Saturday
 11 - 8
Sunday, Noon - 6

SOFA NY 2007 Participating Artists:

Assakr, Khalid
 (to the right is Beethoven, his Latest Murrine)
Bonaventura, Mauro
D'Aroma, Fabio
SIN series

Di Fiore, Miriam 
Houserova, Ivana
Janacek, Vlastislav
Picaud, Fabienne
Recko, Gateson
Toffolo, Cesare 

Wirasekara, Sharmini

May, Spring 2007 Mostly Glass Catalogue
April 20 -
August 20

Naked Art

Bonaventura, Mauro, Glass, Lampworked
D'Aroma, Fabio Paintings, oil
Simone Cenedese,
Glass torso
Heyd, Eva
Mejer, Hermann Bronze, Ceramic & Paper mache 
Hraoui, Martha
, Paintings, pastel
King, Steven J.
Paintings, oil
Lezama, Claudia,
Blown Glass
Schneider, Helaine
, Ceramic (image to the right)
Slack, Sherburne, Cast Glass


February   Art Work for Valentine
The Ceramic Hearts of Luna    
The Dancing Couples of Ruzsa
The Glass Hearts of Vlijmen

11 - 15


Palm Beach County Convention Center
Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach


Khalid Assakr
Mauro Bonaventura
Fabio d'Aroma

Miriam Di Fiore 
Ivana Houserova
Vlastislav Janacek 
Elisabeth Johnson
Claudia Lezama
Michael O'Keefe
Fabienne Picaud

Gateson Recko   
Eric Rubinstein 
Alison Ruzsa 
Davide Salvadore
Cesare Toffolo
Julius Weiland   
Alexandra Zonis


  Gifts & Collectibles
 Availability of some items is limited
For more information, please e-mail us: [email protected]



Dei Rossi

Nature in Glass

2006 Exhibits

The Fall 2006 Catalogue
Features Work  shown at
SOFA Chicago
and from the
Figurative Art

Clicking on Violoncello and Granelli
 on the right leads to the pdf file of our
Fall 2006 Catalogue

a hard copy of the catalogue was sent to
Collectors on our mailing list
mid - October 2006

November 9 - 12 SOFA Chicago 2006

Work SOLD and notes on SOFA

Brychtova & Libensky     SOLD
Miriam Di Fiore               Six Objects SOLD
      several requests to preview future Work
      Secret Marsh could have sold many times
Ivana Houserova            
Two Objects SOLD  
Vlastislav Janacek          Three Objects SOLD
these 3 Objects could have sold many times
several requests to preview future Work
Emma Luna
Madelyn Ricks          SOLD out of the Kimonos
       waiting list for the next series of Kimonos
Gateson Recko                Five Marbles SOLD
Eric Rubinstein   
            One Seascape SOLD
Alexandra Zonis
November 9 - 12 SOFA Chicago 2006

Figurative Art
Work from this Exhibit shown at SOFA

Khalid Assakr    all Puntis SOLD
                         several Murrine SOLD
                         request for 3 Puntis

Mauro Bonaventura    Two Sculptures SOLD
Fabio d'Aroma            One Painting SOLD
Missy and Sandy Kaolin
Alison Ruzsa   
     the Art Work that attracted most attention
     in our Booth
Cesare Toffolo   several requests to view more
      of Cesare's Sculptures, particularly
(photo to the right)
September -
Figurative Art
Humans & Animals
Bronze, Ceramic, Glass, Oil Paintings
and Paper Mache

Participating Artists using Glass:
Khalid Assakr
Mauro Bonaventura

Simone Cenedese
Claudia Lezama
Robert Mickelsen,
his Kudu Chalice
Norberto Moretti
Alison Ruzsa
Davide Salvadore
Sherburne, Slack
Cesar Toffolo
van Vlijmen, his mirrored Head

Participating Artists using art media other than Glass:
Fabio d'Aroma Paintings, oil
Livio De Marchi Wood
Missy and Sandy Kaolin Ceramic,
predominantly animal figures
 to the right is Jungle

Hermann Mejer
Human Figures, Bronze,
                          Ceramic & Paper mache
Vallina Meneghini,
Masks, paper mache

Some Art Work from this Exhibit was shown at
SOFA Chicago, and is included in our
Fall 2006 Catalog (PDF - 7.5MB)

October -

Ivana Houserova 

Cast Glass as
Giant Jewels

Featured on the web and
exhibited at SOFA Chicago
November 2006

January - February
Livio De Marchi

Creating Whimsical and Functional Sculptures over the past Half Century

A retrospective at mostlyglass.com
salutes a Venetian Icon



February 15 - March 14

Gerry King
Web based Exhibits:
Art Alliance, Artist of the Month &
at Mostly Glass, on the web



March 15 - April 30

Vlastislav Janacek
Facets of Czech Optic Glass Art

Web based Exhibit



May 31 -
June 4

SOFA takes place at the
Park Ave and
67th Street

Opening Night Wednesday
5 - 10

Thurs & Friday
     11 - 8
Sat.11 - 7
Sunday, 12 - 6
Non Czech Artists at SOFA NY 2006   

Miriam Di Fiore 
the image to the right is a detail of Di Fiore's Violoncello  
Gerry King   

Gateson Recko   

Julius Weiland    

Alexandra Zonis


May 31 - June 4 SOFA NY 2006   

Czech Glass Art 1
Libensky & Brychtova
                to the right is their extraordinary Crater

Ivana Houserova 
Vlastislav Janacek 
May  - June

Natura Morta e Vivente
Web based and at SOFA NY

The Artists listed below created Work that has Nature as a theme. The Work will be realistic or stylized.
As titled, it will represent
Nature, Still and Alive

Missy and Sandy Kaolin
Emma Luna  
Margaret Neher 
Elizabeth Johnson

Joel O'Dorisio his Still Life 1 is on the right
Eric Rubinstein  Alison Ruzsa  Christine Barney    Fabio d'Aroma 
Previous Exhibits


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