What is New at Mostly Glass?
for more information, please call
888 454 1666 |
2006 |
May 31, SOFA New York
Set up for SOFA attracted a lot of
attention to our booth. The
cast glass sculpture by Libensky and Brychtova was a hit and
considered by several experts as their best Work and one of the
best objects at SOFA
Our web based exposition,
Natura Morta e Vivente
ready on the web. Some of the Work will be exhibited at SOFA
NY in June. Natura Morta
is a web
based exposition of
Still and Alive
Summer 2006
Catalogue inaugurates a yearly
series planed by Mostly Glass. It features Work from Natura Morta
and Work to be shown at SOFA New York.
May 4, fine tuning 2006
Our web based exposition,
Morta e Vivente
ready on the web. Some of the Work will be exhibited at SOFA
NY in June. Natura Morta
is a web
based exposition of
Still and Alive
Life is defined as a
painting of inanimate objects
Fabio Daroma’s
Work, exemplifies this traditional concept. Our Exhibit
digresses from tradition in several ways: Most of the Work is
dimensional, using Glass and Ceramic; few pieces are abstracts
and some are not
hence the title
Summer 2006
Catalogue inaugurates a yearly
series planed by Mostly Glass. It features Work from Natura
Morta and Work to be shown at SOFA New York.
March 5, What is planed for
Mostly Glass in 2006
2006 Exhibit schedule has taken shape
a lot of novelty, but also encores to
the best performing Artists of the past...
This year the focus is going to be
Czech Glass Art, with a
cast glass sculpture by The Masters, Libensky & Brychtova
at the helm. Their Crater green sculpture will be
shown at SOFA New York the first week of June.
We welcome to our family of glass Artists Ivana Houserova
with her signature cast glass.
For his March solo Exhibit, Vlastislav Janacek created
Visionary, a masterful 30" tall Sculpture
June, Natura Morta (Still Life)
September, Figurative Art
October, European Artists
December, Realism in art 2006
February 2007, Nudes and Erotica
2005 |
Our December Exhibit,
Realism in Art, was our
best ever in terms of response to both the the e-mail invite and
that to the
printed card. Many sales followed, particularly for Livio De
Marchi and Emma Luna . This proved to us that Art can
be promoted virtually and crowned a good first year for Mostly
Glass in Cyberspace. However those who contact us on the web are
customers of ours who came to trust the image we show and the
discussions we have with them. Another set of customers are
those who are familiar with the Work of an Artist and find it on
our web site. A lot of such contacts are related to the Work of
Vittorio Costantini
2, SOFA Chicago
Overall pre - SOFA
and SOFA sales were good. Art Work by the following Artists
Di Fiore
(7 pieces)
(3 Objects)
(all 3 Kimonos SOLD, and 6 were Ordered)
Luna, 5 Wall
Ruzsa, several
25, SOFA Chicago
SOFA is opening on the 27th,
and we already had several advance sales.
The 2 Di
Fiore Saws supporting her extraordinary Fused Glass panels,
sold to Collectors in CA. This type of support for her Glass Art
seems particularly attractive. Another Collector, from upstate NY,
who had been waiting for the "next Saw", missed on those and is
commissioning one.Another commission
came from Boston for a Weiland's Vessel. A HOLD was placed on Ricks'
Red Dragon Kimono.
Her other Wedding Kimono, our Dealer's choice on the
SOFA web site sold earlier
Several requests were made about other Work
we are showing at SOFA:
Baby Bath and Wave;
Luna's Stacked Towels
and Wall Installations and one of Janachek's Optic Glass Sculptures
featured on our SOFA Invite Card:
...it may
have happened. Collectors from Manhattan who saw
Alison Ruzsa
working on her Circus piece: Li'l Big Top are coming
to see the final product.
We are looking forward to mingling with the eclectic crowd of Art
Lovers that SOFA attracts to Chicago from across the country. Many
of the Collectors that acquired Work from our Gallery before are
planning to come to Chicago. Several have become great friends. We
are thankful to SOFA for having provided this forum for human
exchange at more than one level.
May, 8
For current web based
Global Glass Art
Ten Artists from around the World
were invited to participate.
Several of the Artists in this Exhibit are new with Mostly Glass and
are participants in
The ABC of Glass Art
The ABC Exhibit is progressing very
well with the 8.5 x 11" 52 page Catalogue being readied to go to the
printer within few days
March, 8
We will be testing Virtual Mostly Glass with a series of web based
exhibits. The first Invite will be e-mailed today and titled:
New Work & New Artists
April Exhibit: NJ - NY Glass Artists
January 2005: The transformation of Mostly Glass to
a Virtual Gallery
We will participate
more and more in Dimensional Art International Exhibits such
SOFA Chicago , SOFA New York and Palm Beach. We are applying for Exhibits in Europe and
later in the Far East.
Detailed announcements and Events schedules are continuously updated
on the web under EXHIBITS.
A more user friendly Web Site is being designed with our Web
Master Dror Navaro.
January, 23 post
Palm Beach SOFA
Palm Beach
SOFA was a great success for Mostly Glass and for
Miriam Di Fiore. Seven pieces sold including the
$62 500 Sickel (Falce).
Di Fiore's new piece,
Me was a big hit. The photo on the web does not give it
justice. Tina Oldknow was considering purchasing it for the Corning
Museum, but the Collector who bought Falce (and
Mandolino for the Museum he is building in Armenia) made
the decision quicker.
Oak Drawer
and the new
Blue Drawer
could have sold many times over.
The Dei Rossis
will be in the Museum in Armenia too. The Unique Puntis (Red
Rose by Antonio and
Woman by Mario) were purchased together with Antonio's
Robin Fusion. Tina was considering one of the Puntis for
Antonio's new
White Tiger
is a particularly good Murrine. Two sold to Dei Rossi Collectors.
Other important Work that sold are
Life by David Willis,
Confetti by
Michael O'Keefe,
by Hermann Mejer and a Madelyn Rick's Glass Beaded
Kimono. Soon we will be opening a web page for this very
good Artist
Sandy Miller's superb Water
Melon Tourmaline Neckpiece sold to an important Manhattan Collector.
Sandy is featured in the current issue of Lustre magazine. The
featured piece is #21 on our web site.
The most attention in our space was for
Alison Ruzsa's Work
with alternating layers of Glass and Painting.
September, 25
Mostly Glass will represent
Eight Artists
at SOFA Chicago.
A large space is devoted to
Miriam Di Fiore's Work. This will be the opening of Miriam' s
Solo Exhibit at Mostly Glass Gallery. For the solo Miriam will have
20 new pieces ready.
August 23.
Hermann Mejer's Solo Exhibit,
Figurative Art in
Various Media has earned the Artist several commissions
from Art Collectors in Philadelphia and Boston. Some are personal
Sculptures; others are rendition of his Terra Cotta in Bronze.
Hermann is preparing new Work for SOFA Chicago, some with a
surrealist tilt.
July 4.
Robert Mickelsen's
Solo Exhibit,
Busy Being Born. As
it drew to a close, Mickelsen's exhibit became very successful
with the sale of 12 pieces including the most important ones:
Hydra, Sirius and Borealis. Half of the pieces sold to a Collector
in Massachusetts who fell in love with Robert's Work particularly the
Organism series. We signed Robert for SOFA Chicago where we will show predominantly a
(continuous) revival of the Organisms and introduce a new direction in
his Work. Robert's Organisms are being defined as an Art Form
that will have appeal across time. This timelessness defines true ART.
June 12, 2004. SOFA NY
This has been our most successful SOFA, and it seems that among the
Galleries that did best.
Matsushima's Solo Exhibit,
Resurrecting Core - Formed Glass has been our most successful
Out of the 31 pieces Iwao prepared for the Exhibit, 20 sold to date,
Ten of these sold before SOFA, and 10 at SOFA
Another big seller at SOFA was
Miriam Di Fiore. Six pieces SOLD.
We wired up for her SOLO Exhibit rescheduled for October - November
2004. We will be giving for that a significant space at SOFA Chicago.
The films of Antonio Dei Rossi projected on the wall of our
SOFA booth were very interesting and informative.
Four of his
new Eagle Murrine sold, and a unique punti piece of
Squirrel rod sold for $3300. A Murrine Pins Sold to Collectors from Manhattan.
Ruzsa's work attracted a lot of attention, and her
Jockey Club sold. Several persons showed interest in her
latest and most extraordinary piece:
Beg your
pardon, I did not promise a Rose Garden
May 28, 2004. The web pages have been readied for the
Matsushima Solo Exhibit
This is our most thorough coverage of an Artist. There are Essays and
detailed information on the Technique and the history of the most
ancient of glass techniques: core-formed glass. Iwao is one of the
most important resurrect or of that technique
The 48 page Catalogue for
the Exhibit is with us now. It can be viewed on the web through Adobe
April 10, 2004. Opening of Robert Mickelsen's Solo Exhibit
The Gallery is ready for the opening of
Robert Mickelsen's solo exhibit, Busy Being Born.
Mickelsen's Sculptures look even more striking in the new
cases at the Gallery, with individually lit niches. Robert with us for the Opening
with his fiancée Cher. Some pieces sold the morning of the Opening.
March 11 2004
The Gallery is being readied for David
Willis' Wall Installations. His Realistic Glass Sculptures are
exemplified by superbly detailed Orchid stems within a
Glass frame surrounded by a metal one. His Standing Still
illustrate his Abstract furnace Glass.
February 21 2004
We are preparing a mailing with our 2004 Exhibit Schedule
The Card has on the Front an extraordinary photo by Eva Heyd of
Miriam Di Fiore's extraordinary piece,
Poplar Grove. Miriam
started sending piece for the variety of events we are planning for
her this year.
Iwao Matsushima sent images for some of the core-forming glass
pieces he prepared for his solo with us in May - June.
Many Glass Art Connoisseur have been waiting to have his unique
work. Some pieces sold, sight unseen; others are on hold. His
web presence with us will be revamped shortly.
New pieces by James & Martina Byrnes are in the Gallery now.
They were the best sellers in term of # of pieces in the December
Orchid Exhibit. We will open
a site for them |
January 17 2004
The first Exhibit in 2004 is going to be
The Jewelry
Purity & Intensity
January acquisitions by Mostly Glass:
Robert Mickelsen
Fossil 1997
Alison Ruzsa Jockey Club
Antonio Dei Rossi, Red Rose
Winter 2004 Sculptures
An International Group of Artists are being invited to participate in
the 2005 Exhibit: The ABC of Glass Art
December 25 2003
The Season at Mostly Glass
The sales in the Gallery were the
best ever. More importantly, we sold more valuable Art Work than what
we have sold before through Englewood and within one month.
Mostly Glass will focus in 2004 more Collectible and Unique Art Work.
The best sellers in the Orchid Exhibit
were the couple that was exhibiting for the first time with Mostly
Jim and Martina Byrnes. We will soon open a space for them on
the web.
December 8 2003
Exhibits at Mostly Glass
The Auction, the Orchid in Glass and Glass Art
Jewelry opened in the Gallery December 7
The first snow of the season interfered with the opening. Still,
several customers and friends came.
The Artist who sold most is Sandra Miller. Her Jewelry with
good quality semiprecious stones, 18kt Gold, and nice designs is very
attractive. Three Neck Pieces Sold |
November 15 2003
Alison Ruzsa's SOLO
Exhibit at Mostly Glass
A good response to Ruzsa's Work in Englewood and
on the web. Her unique and very time consuming technique has
contributed significantly to Glass Art and make her pieces of a much
higher value than the current retail pricing.
The esthetic appeal is just an icing on a delicious cake. |
October 19 2003, SOFA Chicago
We had a great Opening Night at SOFA Chicago.
Antonio and Mario Dei Rossi were the Stars, with many Customers and
other Artists flocking our Booth to see the Unique Miniature Murrini
and the extraordinary Jewelry settings that Antonio designed for them.
Livio De Marchi was the SOFA star on Saturday the 18. His Wood
Sculptures were featured in the morning Network TV News. Sales of many
pieces followed during the day.
Other important Sales:
Di Fiore's Regrets
Ruzsa's Gallery Opening II
October 12 2003
We are practically ready for
SOFA Chicago. Our Web Master,
Dror Navaro has achieved a marathon update of the work to be shown in
Chicago. What is left is adding
Miriam Di Fiore's
Steve Tobin is a new Artist with us. The extraordinary spectrum of his
sculptures is now on our web site
Signing at SOFA for his 2003 publication:
Steve Tobin's Natural History
An overview of the artist's remarkable career in Glass,
Bronze, Steel and Clay.
Livio De Marchi with his novel glass and wood sculptures
Antonio Dei Rossi created the most extraordinary jewelry
settings for his Murrini
Antonio will be with us at SOFA with his father Mario Dei Rossi.
It is Mario who revived the Art of Miniature Murrini and refined it
like nobody ever did
Alison Ruzsa is giving a preview of her bicoastal US solo
exhibit opening November 2003
Jorg Zimmerman returns with us to SOFA. His Cityscape
Installation will be shown for the first time in Chicago.
We are representing Mauro Bonaventura for the first time at SOFA
The only sculpture exhibited last year with Rosella Junck Gallery sold
Opening night.
August 1 2003
The Goblet Exhibit will open August 5 with Work by a an
International group of Glass Artists. who created some extraordinary
work :
Goblets, Whimsical and
Functional |
July 8 2003
We mailed a large number of the Costantini
and the Dei Rossi small Catalogues.
The Dei Rossi
presence on our web site has been revamped with more than 45 Miniature
Murrini being exhibited.
This is the largest joint Exhibit for and the first in the US for the
Father and Son team:
Mario and Antonio Dei Rossi,
It will be an ongoing Exhibit on our web site,
Dei Rossi @ Mostly
Glass |
June 9 2003
We had a very successful Opening for Costantini's Exhibit
(in spite of the rain).
Many pieces
sold at the Gallery and distantly to Costantini Collectors.
The Exhibit will remain in Englewood through June.
We will then take
some of the Work to the Biannual Glass Exhibit at Wheaton Village, NJ,
July 11 - 13
Vittorio Costantini.
Nature in Glass 2003 |
May 23 2003
Bonaventura's Exhibit is getting a very good
Mauro Bonaventura's
SOLO Exhibit
His Demonstration at the Gallery Sunday, the 18 got a very good
response. Saturday the 24th, he is going to do it again, 3 - 4 pm |
May 5 2003
Just came back from Venice where we met several of the Artists for
whom we have exhibits coming up
Dei Rossi).
We also discussed with
Livio De Marchi the special display he will
prepare for SOFA Chicago. |

12 2003 Mostly Jewelry of the the Glass Orchids
sold at the 23rd New York
International Orchid Show
Rockefeller Center,
April 9 - 13.
Members of the Orchid Society had visited Mostly Glass and
were impressed in the realism of Neher's Orchid.
Margaret Neher.
Margaret prepared her signature flameworked glass orchids in a variety of ways:
Sculptures, Scent Bottles, Neck Pieces, Brooches and
Goblets. |
February 26 2003,
A Poem by a Friend... a Poet
15 2003 |
We are expecting new
Work from the five Artists whom we are representing in
at Palm Beach opening March 6. Bonaventura is focusing
on Wall pieces. Di Fiore will have 5 new pieces, one of which
is wall hanging. Ruzsa is in the process of photographing the 4
pieces she prepared. One of them contains close to 50
allegories! Salvadore may be able to have a Kanuri III
and a Testa in the same spirit as his very popular Kota that
actually sold to Collectors from Miami. Zimmermann is preparing
a Cityscape II |
12 2003 |
New Jewelry. We just posted
new Work by Betty Rinaldo and Marcia LePore. Betty uses in the center
of her neckpieces Cameo Glass created by her husband Rinaldo. For the
beads she chooses from the wide variety available in Venice. Marcia
also uses Venetian Beads in some of her pieces. She has been focusing
on getting unique pieces from Bead Artists. |
Kurt McVay. We just mailed a very
nice card that illustrates some of his superb functional pieces in
Red, Clear, Silver and Black. We posted on the Web detailed
explanation about his Technique.
January 26 2003 |
The Schedule of our for 2003 is
The first of those is going to be ARTform
in Palm Beach, Florida, a new Exhibit of Dimensional Art. Several of
the participating Galleries are among the top ones in the US.
We have even included two very important SOLO Exhibits for 2004:
Iwao Matsushima and
Fanny Ferre.
We consider Mostly Glass fortunate to have Exhibits by these Artists.
The Work of both are in very high demand. Their Exhibit schedule is
booked full abroad through part of 2004. Below are links to their
current Galleries on our web site. All of the pieces shown there are
already sold.
Iwao Matsushima
is considered a World Master of the ancient technique of core forming
Fanny Ferre
it will be her second solo in the US. Since her Year 2000 Exhibit at
Mostly Glass, she has had a series of very successful Exhibits in
Europe. This time, her Bronzes will be shown for the first time in the
Kurt McVay
is a Master of fused Functional Art. His Platters and Bowls are the
very best in terms of esthetic and durability. We just posted sets of
color coordinated pieces, in Silver, Black, Red, Blue and Clear Glass
26 2002
Our December Sales were more of large unique pieces, and less of small
Gift Items. In general, the Gift obtained from MG are for a
particularly Unique person or occasion. We also sold less
Ornaments than last year.
We are thankful for the Patrons that
continued to purchase unique pieces from us, and are very happy of the
new ones that discovered MG recently. We have a very exciting Exhibit
Schedule for 2003 that we will post soon on the Web.
The Auction
will remain a feature on the Web in 2003, with lesser items than in
the December Auction
December 14 2002
Our Auction 2002
is going well, with several large and small pieces sold at the Gallery
and through the Web. We plan to keep it as an ongoing features on the
We had a very good response to our
Celebration of the Arts
mailing. The Moretti's Vessels, featured on the front of the Card
generated a lot of interest, and several sold already.
The Scent Bottles
& The Goblets
Exhibits are going strong too. People
are choosing them for their collection or to offer and initiate
friends & relatives to collect.
November 18 2002
We had a successful Reception for
Salvadore's AFRICA 2002 yesterday. The crowd was
thin, but very interested. Three large pieces sold: a Head, a
Shield, and a Vessel I . We are sold out of the Heads now, and
asked Davide if he could prepare more. |
November 16 2002
November and December events at Mostly Glass:
Auction 2002
will open on the Web
November 23
December 1st at the meeting
for the Metropolitan Contemporary
Glass Group (MCGG) at Mostly Glass. During that meeting,
Sami Harawi will give a lecture on
Micro & Macro
in Italian Glass Art, focusing on the Work of Salvadore & Dei
Rossi. By Invitation Only
A Celebration of
the ARTS,
our Event of the Year,
December 8. See details

Mostly Glass was invited to participate in 2 important
International Art Exhibits in 2003:
March 2003 ARTform Exhibit, Palm Beach, Florida
July 2003 Glass Week End, the
biannual exhibit in Wheaton Village, NJ
(only 20 Glass Art Galleries get invited to this event)
Our 2003 Exhibits $ Events Schedule will be posted soon |
November 1 2002
Tamar Hirschl at Mostly Glass
Surviving a traumatic childhood during World War II, Tamar Hirschl
established new
roots and a new life in Israel. Her work understandably reflects
an overwhelming desire for peace among nations, and an end to
painful disruption among families, people and religions.
Visit her new gallery
October 25 2002 |
David Salvadore's
First Solo Exhibit in the USA
Africa 2002
We just opened
The response to the
Exhibit as seen on the Web has been great with several pieces
being on hold for several enthusiasts of Glass Art.
The gallery
can be visited here |
October 19 2002
Mario and Antonio Dei Rossi
Masters of Miniature Murrina
The extraordinary Miniature Murrina
Work by
Dei Rossi, Father & Son.
Visit the new gallery
To learn about
Their Technique click here |
Sunday September 29 2002 |
Jorg Zimmermann
was at Mostly Glass in a reception for his Fall 2002 Exhibit. He
was extremely well received by Collectors of his Work and by persons
who were seeing it for the first time. An atmosphere of enthusiasm and
warmth based the Gallery. One Zimmermann Collector told him that she
dreamed about a piece of his for a year before deciding to buy it!
Zimmermann, Fall 2002 |
Saturday August 10 2002 |
The Exhibit of
Helaine Schneider
is receiving a lot of attention from our Collectors and from new
Clients that are attracted to the restful feeling one gets from
Helaine's Sculptures. We just posted her
Artists' Statement and her writing about the
Raku technique. You can see
it all through her Gallery on our web site. Below is the e-mail Invite
we sent to our Customers. |
"I strive to transfer the energy of my deepest thoughts and feelings
into the clay, and let the clay create the Figure."
Mostly Glass Gallery
the first Solo Exhibit of
Helaine Schneider.
Ever since we opened the
Gallery, the magnetism in her Sculptures, in particular
Moment in Time,
have drawn a wide range
of persons whether
Art Lovers or Art Collectors.
Sunday July 28 2002 |
at Mostly Glass Gallery
We had a successful Opening for
the first of our two
Summer 2002 Exhibit. The participating Artists range from the
World the renown Glass Artist
Vittorio Ferro
to the emerging
Ceramic Artist
Michael Henry
The Exhibit features
a large variety of Miniatures.
From the
Figurative Glass Sculptures of Mauro Bonaventura to
Wood Libraries
of Ettore Sobrero;
From the
Ceramic Cloth Line
of Emma Luna to the
Mignon Venetian
of Giuliano Ballarin;
From the
Orchid Sent Bottles
of Margaret Neher to the
Raku Figures
of Helaine Schneider
From the
Copper & Glass Bowls
of Jonathan Andersson to the
Wood Hats
of Livio De Marchi, and
From the
Lampwork Goblets
of Emilio Santini to the
Ceramic Vessels
of Missy & Sandy Kaolin.
They are extremely appealing, reasonably priced, and there is always a
small space at home to display them
Explore this World of preciously
small Art Pieces by going directly to the Miniature Exhibit
July 26 2002 |
Two Summer Exhibits:
Helaine Schneider's
You can preview these
through our Exhibit Page |
We are revamped
presence on our web site. His extraordinary rendition of Fauna in
Glass has been likened to the Work of the Blaschkas who rendered in
Glass the Botanical section of the Peabody Museum at Harvard.
You can see on our web site a unique collection of
Butterflies, Birds
and Beetles.
Our Web Master, Dror Navaro made these sections particularly user
Visit Costantini's Gallery for his latest
Water Life Collection -

had a very successful Opening for the
GLASS: Abstract & Figurative
Thirty Five persons came (by invitation only), most
members of the Metropolitan Contemporary Glass Group. The MCGG chooses
Galleries in the NY Metropolitan area for their regular meetings. MG
is proud to host the Group for the 3rd Year. Sami Harawi gave a well
lecture about Abstract and figurative Art in general with (of
course) a focus on Glass.
The lecture was illustrated by Work of 13 Artists participating in
this Exhibit.
We revamped our web site to make
it more functional. In addition to indexing access to the Art Work by
Artist (link, top left). The Featured
Artists category has been trimmed to those we whose Work is
continuously turned over. We categorized the
Work by ART FORM, and we hope it will
facilitate to our visitors the use of the web site. Please send us an
e-mail with your feed back,
info@mostlyglass.com |
We posted the
extraordinary Reverse Painting on Glass by the French Artist
Mathilda de Carpentry. We
introduced Mathilda's Work to
the USA at the Palm Springs International ART Fair in
California, mid March. Some of these paintings have very interesting
stories (posted with them). |