Miriam Di Fiore     
Available Work, Main Page

Country: Argentina - Italy
Title: Fall Suitcase
Medium: On the Cover of the box is the Glass Art Piece made of Panels with Wires & Frits, fused in multiple layers.
The Bottom of the Box is divided into 3 compartments:
A (natural) Bird's Nest is in the left compartment
A cast of Nuts & Glass Instruments are in the right compartment
A carved (wood) pencil is in the front compartment
   (not seen in the photo)
Type: Sculpture
Size: 12  13  9 "   Glass Panel 130 square inches
Price:   $6000 SOLD Opening Night, SOFA Chicago, October 16, 2003
Collectors from West Bloomfield, Michigan
Current Price: $8 000 (February 2006)  
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