Miriam Di Fiore     
Available Work, Main Page

Country Argentina - Italy
Title Votive Object
Medium Dimensional Fused Glass
Wood grain shovel
Animal Skull
Blown Glass Vessel
The Vessel was blown by Miriam herself, and may be used for candle
Type Sculpture
Size 11  10  15 "
Price   $5000 SOLD November 14 2003
Collector from Dallas, TX
  Read the Poem below


Votive Object, the Poem

Everything is continuously changing.
Life is always sacred and always eternal.
Everything flows, continuously.
Life: help me to not to dread what I don't understand.
Carry me with you, in the current.

This is my altar for you, Mistress of the existence.

Tutto è in continuo mutamento.
La vita è sempre Sacra e sempre eterna.
Tutto fluisce, continua.
Vita: aiutami a non temere ciò che non comprendo.
e portami con te, nella corrente.

 Questo e il mio altare per te, Signora dell’esistenza.

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