
Country: Canada
Title: Towering Sails (with or without Boats)
Medium: Plate Glass, cut and tumbled
Type: Sculpture
Size: The Sculpture in the image on the left is made of 3 parts:
 29  7",   24  16"  and 8  16"
Price: $5700 (for the 3 pieces as shown on the left)
SOLD March 13, 2004  Collectors, Alpine NJ
Note Three Sails and 2 additional boat shaped pieces:
Large Sail (far left),                 29 x 7"         $2300
Middle Sail,                           24 x 16"       $1900
Small Sail (far right)                8 x 16"         $1500
Boats (not shown)
             Red Border,                11  17  10"     $1000
SOLD November 16 2003
                                 Collectors, Edgewater, NJ
             Multicolored Border,   11  17  10"    $1000
 SOLD October 2003
                                 Collector, Valley Cottage, NY