DiFiore, Miriam
Sieve for the
Green Water (Setaccio per l'acqua
Things and Objects have memories
The sand of the Ticino River that was melted in Murano furnaces,
and Glass sprang out like a shining river of beauty
When it snows, the River falls asleep, but it never stops.
Like Time, it is an everlasting movement.
In the Sieve, the Water's memory; in the Glass, my memory.
Things have a history with a beginning and an end.
But the river, made of sand and water, is the symbol of the word "ever"
to me.
The Place
Bereguardo, Pavia. North bank of the Ticino River during the first snow
of 2003
The water is green like the scales of Luccio Fish, like the
feathers of Kingfishers.
Silence, Cold, Fog.
Sand Sieve found in Murano