is a New
York City Artist who fulfills her passion for glass on a part time basis.
However, she manages to create masterpieces that rival the
veterans in the field.
She built a
for this exhibit,
and for the 1998 exhibit,
ABC of American Glass.
created the very beautiful
L Vessel
Chang Artist's Statement
for House, Harry, Home and lots of other nice things
Five separately cast lead crystal planes interlock to create this
structure of fragility, light and weight.
I like the way the letter is an integral part of the structure itself.
The H is the house as the house is the H. Like a home, a house, and
life itself, this sum is greater than its parts, yet dependent on them.
It is a precarious balance where each component has its own place.
The furniture within the House transforms it into a Home.
As blood is the elixir of life, this red color injects life into this
fact that it is created out of glass lends an additional dimension to
combination of form with medium.
Being glass, it makes one want to look in and through, and to be
Behavior that should also be applied to real homes and the lives lived
within them.
Dallas Chang,
April 2005