Objects I            Miriam Di Fiore         Artist's Main Page

Objects II Four of the Seven Theme Objects
Nightmare Instruments, Reconciliation,
Memory Vehicles    ? Hope & Redemption

Nightmare’s Instruments

These are pieces with a saw, a knife, and tools to cut and kill trees.
They are nightmares for the trees and
I use them to talk about the violence and fear, in a metaphoric sense.
Let the Axe Sleep is the title of the piece to the left;
Regrets is to the right

Reconciliation’s instruments

Here are the pieces that I make using things that come from living in the country:
The bucket of Water Flows, the screw of
In the Honor of the Beech Trees
(to the right) or the Board of Not only of bread.  

Through these pieces, I try to get a common point between nature and humans.
We have to use nature to live. We have to continuously make sacrifices.
People are part of the alimentary chain:
we are at the same time everybody’s predators and preys.
The problem is a matter of respect to Nature, using it only when we have to.
 Few persons in today's World have close contact with Nature.
At the same time, to live Nature’s rhythm is very difficult.
Life in the countryside, in the past centuries, was very hard and painful.
This is the “box” where I ideally write the word “Peace”.
Peace between the Sky, the Earth and Me (Me as a Human being).


Memory’s Vehicles

This Work connected to a piece of wood (trunk, branch, roots, etc.)

 It is a personal section, because, as a child,
I had a tree in the garden where I loved to play, and climb on its branches.
On the tree, every dream seemed possible.
 That tree was a theatre where I tested my fantasy.
 Every time that I burn logs in my fireplace,
I feel time is going away with the smoke.
 Each log is older than me.
They came from the past to warm my present,
like the beautiful memories that I preserve in my Dreams’ Drawers.

 If I want to go back, in an impossible trip, 
to where I am “still” climbing on a magic tree,
 only a magic piece of wood can take me there

Walking in the Winter
7.6 x 10 x 3.8" Glass  7 x 6"
SOLD, April 16, 2004 Collectors, Rockaway,  NJ

Snowed Morning
7 x 12 x 4.5"  Glass  7 x 6
SOLD through another Gallery


In the future, I would like to have a new box, a Seventh Object.
The pieces that I am trying to make now, these are little Seeds that have an entire forest inside, They are going to be part of my
Hope’s and Redemption Instruments

A long time ago, I heard a Rabi say that the most horrible sin that a man can commit is to kill another man,
because by killing one person, we kill millions of their potential descendents. 
I am fascinated by this Secret of Life: the infinite possibilities.